With over 19 years as an educator (eight years internationally and eleven domestically), Ryan Carey remembers he did not initially consider education...
Senior Associates Ralph Jahr and Jim Ambrose were pleased to announce that Escuela Campo Alegre (ECA) in Caracas, Venezuela has chosen Mr....
Senior Consultant Gunther Brandt and Ralph Jahr announced that the International School Hannover Region (ISHR) in Germany has appointed Ms....
After 17 years of teaching—13 of them in overseas schools--Ami Wolsey still loves what she does. She'll also tell you she fell into teaching,...
The East Asia Regional Council of Overseas Schools (EARCOS) hosted its 46th annual Leadership Conference in Bangkok October 29-31. By international...
Foyer of UWC Changshu Last weekend, Barry and Veronica Drake , from our Hong Kong office, attended the ceremonial opening of the United...
October 22-25, Senior Associates Ralph Jahr , Dr. David Cramer , and Ray Sparks attended the annual Near East South Asia Council of Overseas...
After a worldwide search, Senior Associates Ralph Jahr and Julie Ryan are pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Lara Manasfi as new...
The Search Committee and Board of Management of the International School of Yangon (ISY), assisted by Senior Associates Jim Ambrose and Ralph...
From October 8-10, Senior Associate Julie Ryan recently represented Search Associates at the Florida Reading Association Conference. This year...
At the start of each school year, mainly in the month of September (and again in the spring), Senior Associate Ray Sparks travels to different...
Tri-Association's 34th Annual Educators' Conference in Bogotá, Colombia, October 5-9th, was an unforgettable experience. More than 800 participants,...
In light of the heightened climate around child protection concerns in international schools, an International Taskforce on Child Protection...
If you were to Google "resumés," you'd find countless links providing models and detailing the "how-to's" of creating your own. Included below...
Many candidates are surprised to learn that Search Associates declines almost 50% of applications submitted by new schools within a period of...
In 1990, Founding Director John Magagna started Search Associates because he was passionate about finding and placing exceptional educators in...
Senior Associates Dr. Ralph Jahr and Jim Ambrose were pleased to announce that the worldwide search and screening of highly qualified candidates...
Search Associates' co-founder Dexter Lewis announced his retirement this past June. Before the company began, he and Founder John Magagna were...
Finding the perfect position is possible at all stages in the recruiting cycle, even the final few weeks. Candidates are encouraged to continue...
Search Associates is pleased to announce that Dr. David Cramer has joined our team of Senior Associates. He has been directly involved in education...
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Did You Know…?
Senior associate Harry Deelman was at various times headmaster of schools in a fascinating foursome of global cities: Buenos Aires, Rome, Dubai, and Bangkok.