Deputy Head at Marymount International School London in UK
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Deputy Head
Marymount International School London (UK)

Appointed - Position has been filled
Feb 15, 2016

Deputy Head

Marymount International School London is an Independent Catholic Day and Boarding School for girls 11-18, Grades 6-12 (Years 7-13). Marymount offers the IB MYP and Diploma programmes and the American High School Diploma. A top performing School, Marymount has offered the IB since 1979.

 Marymount International School wishes to recruit a Deputy Head with educational vision, drive and ability to commit to our School’s Mission. S/he will have a strong desire to lead a thriving team of teachers and staff in this Catholic, International Baccalaureate Day and Boarding School for girls.

The Deputy Head is responsible to the Headmistress for providing academic and pastoral oversight for the entire school. All curricular, extra–curricular and pastoral aspects of the School are the direct responsibility of the Deputy Head.  The Deputy Head is expected to be sensitive and responsive to the concerns of all students, parents and faculty.


 Specific duties:

  1.  Ensure that the School Mission is being carried out in all areas of the school program.
  2. Serve as a member of the Senior Leadership Team and the Senior Management Team.
  3. Be the School’s Child Protection Officer.
  4. Line manage middle managers.
  5. Work to ensure that the production of the timetable meets the needs of students and the requirements of the International Baccalaureate Diploma.
  6. Encourage, inspire and challenge staff continuously to develop more effective methods and techniques within the context of their subject, the School Mission and the needs of students.
  7. Oversee the Reporting process. Ensure that parents are informed of their daughter’s progress by communicating and setting up conferences when appropriate
  8. Coordinate Student Leadership groups.
  9. In conjunction with SMT and Department Chairs, formally observe and evaluate all teaching personnel in the classroom and in extra-curricular activities.
  10. With the Senior Management Team and faculty, develop appropriate student rules and regulations and enforce student discipline consonant with the School ethos.
  11. Oversee the extra-curricular activity programs ensuring that all students and faculty participate actively.
  12. With SMT and Department Chairs, oversee the recruitment of teaching staff, making recommendations to the Headmistress.
  13. Work with the Pastoral Life Team to ensure that students experiencing difficulty are attended to and keep the Headmistress informed.
  14. Monitor the care and upkeep of all classroom areas.
  15. Oversee the annual review of handbooks/Parent/Student and Boarding Manuals.
  16. INSET – identification and implementation of staff development opportunities (in consultation with Bursar re. resource implications).
  17. School self-evaluation with the Headmistress and Senior Management Team.
  18. Participate in School strategic planning.
  19. Oversee the development and implementation of School policies.
  20. Teach 0.4 of a full timetable.
  21. Oversee the implementation of the PSE programme.


The position commences 1 September 2016.

Application forms and job description are available from the school website:


Send to:

Marymount International School, George Road,

Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT2 7PE


Closing date: 


Marymount is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff to share this commitment. The successful applicant must be willing to undergo

child protection screening appropriate to the post.


Marymount is an Equal Opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.


Attention: If you apply for this position, please inform the school and us ( that you saw the notice on the Search Associates website. 


Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Ray Sparks's over 30-year career as an educator has involved working in Canada, Europe, and Asia.