Here’s a shout out to excellent elementary teachers and Canadian-certified secondary teachers: Heritage International School (HIS) has registered with Search Associates, and they are looking for you! HIS was launched in 2006 in a relatively new city called 6th of October City, Giza where half a million mostly wealthy Egyptians have settled. The school, which features open playgrounds, football fields, and landscaped courtyards, was designed to be modern, safe, and pollution-free. A highly professional medical staff and school buses support the well-being and security of the children. Staff apartments are within walking distance of the school, but school vans are available for rides, even though it is safe to walk.

HIS is a Canadian International School using the Manitoba pre-K–12 curriculum, which culminates in a Manitoba High School Diploma. The school operates under the authority of the Province of Manitoba, Ministry of Education, Culture and Youth. The Manitoba curriculum emphasizes, first and foremost, English language fluency and literacy. Students are then prepared for subject mastery in academic disciplines as they move from the elementary grades through high school. The school's mission is to develop and implement a child-centered system of education that allows students to become independent thinkers. HIS, on its website, emphasizes the strength of the Manitoba curriculum in preparing its students for the future:
A high school graduation diploma issued by the province permits a student in good academic standing to enter universities in Egypt, Canada and the United States of America. The Egyptian [universities] and American University of Cairo (for example) does not require its Canadian applicants to write the S.A.T. tests to gain entry to their programs."
HIS also complies with Egypt's national, provincial, and municipal education policies, maintaining the ideals of Egyptian education and social values. Students study Arabic and religion at every grade level, and from Grades 4–12, students study Egyptian Social Studies. Nearly all of the 532 K–12 students are Egyptian, with 2% from North America and the U.K. The staff of 58 comprises 23 teachers from Egypt and 35 teachers from North America and the U.K.

Regarding hiring, HIS says, "We simply require good teachers." They are seeking single and married teachers, with or without dependents, and will also consider outstanding newly-certified teachers with limited experience. They do not insist that teaching couples be married. There is no age limit for a work visa; however, HIS states, "As this is a Canadian certified school all teachers in Grades 7 to 12 must be Canadian and Canadian certified. The exceptions are those teachers from the host country teaching locally (state) required subjects. [As well, candidates] must have a Criminal and Vulnerable Sector Record Check that has been verified within the last 3 months prior.”

The generous salary and benefits package offers a great opportunity for savings, and one working spouse could easily provide for a family. Fully-furnished apartments as well as full tuition for up to two children are provided. Two, fully-paid options for worldwide (except for within the U.S.) health insurance are offered, as are emergency evacuation, dental, and disability insurance. HIS pays for annual roundtrip airfare to a teacher's home country. The school also awards end-of-year and re-signing bonuses. Though professional development is provided on-site for the first two years, stipends for off-site professional development opportunities are awarded from the third year on.
To gain access to Heritage International School’s full profile on the Search Associates database, including a list of all open positions, candidates can apply for membership by clicking here. Candidates already registered can easily access the school profile directly through their dashboards for more information about salary, benefits package, and teaching requirements.
Please Note: The information presented about this school was valid on the date published. This information will change, and the most up-to-date information can be found on the school profile.