News: The Melbourne Fair: A Hidden Gem - Feb 4, 2016
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Thursday, February 4, 2016General News

The Melbourne Fair: A Hidden Gem

The Melbourne Fair was once again held at the Langham Hotel in Melbourne from Jan 3-6, 2016. The fair, hosted by Senior Associate Nick Kendell, was attended by around 170 candidates and 54 schools.

Most candidates attending Melbourne are pre-screened and interviewed before receiving an invitation, guaranteeing that recruiters will meet educators of an extremely high caliber. Many of these teachers have not previously worked in international schools, but they have a proven track record of exceptional teaching in their respective domestic settings. They also have a sense of adventure and a "can do" attitude, which makes them very popular amongst the recruiters.

At this stage, the percentage of candidates placed at the Melbourne Fair is around 54% and climbing. Around 70% of candidates in attendance received at least one offer. Recruiters who were in attendance had very positive reflections about the fair.

The Melbourne Fair continues to be a hidden gem in the Search Associates fair calendar. Consistently high placement ratios over the past five years have made the fair very popular with the regular attendees. The word is slowly getting out that if schools want quality teachers, then Melbourne is a very good place to secure these candidates.

Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Bill Turner’s international teaching career has taken him to Sudan, Italy, Qatar and the UAE as well as his home country of England. His very first teaching position was in rural Sudan.