The anticipation of receiving a job offer is exciting. Can it be overwhelming? Yes! But you will absolutely figure it out, with the additional assistance of Search Associates to guide you. Whether you are new to international teaching or a seasoned international educator, the tips below offer some insight into the realities ahead.
You've done your homework, gotten your references, notified your school that you're considering moving on, and you've broached the subject of "moving away" with your family. Now imagine that you've been offered a job. You may find your mind swirling with a list of questions to be answered:
- Is it really an "offer?" Clarify if you have actually been offered a job by asking the individual interviewing you, "Is this a job offer?" In the excitement of an interview, information can often be misinterpreted.
- What about the benefits? Have you gotten clarification about the package? How much can you save?
- Have you seen a contract or sample contract? If so, have you reviewed it thoroughly and asked a family member or friend to review it with you? If you have questions, have you reached out to the school or your Associate for advice?
- Have you been given a deadline? Do you know the timeline for responding to the offer?
All of the above are shared concerns among most educators, and it is good to know the answers. But how will you know if what you're offered speaks to YOUR needs? Rather than guess, you can be prepared by using our tools below and have a great format against which to weigh the offer. Now, that feels a lot better! What's next?
Create a PP&F List: Enter a list of things that are important to you in your career and home by categorizing into three major areas: professional, personal, and financial (PP&F). (Save a step and use ours if you desire!) Putting ideas on paper can become a much-loved security blanket. Go to a favorite spot for some quiet time. Remember, the list is for your eyes only, unless of course you want to share with a close family member or friend. You will be living this role every day, so do what works for YOU.
- The Pros and Cons (P&C) List: Write down the positive and negative aspects of each job offer under consideration. The P&C list as a standalone does not do the trick. BUT, once you've done your PP&F list, you will have something to measure the pros and cons against as a truly helpful tool. Executing these lists and writing your thoughts will put you on the right track to making these important and incredibly exciting decisions.
- Your gut feeling: Remember, lists are only lists. Do not ignore the voice inside your head if you are feeling that something may not work for you.
Change can be scary, but it can also be invigorating. Educators have been making these important decisions about overseas teaching positions for years. All candidates go through similar questions, confusion, and excitement at job fairs or under pressure. They have made their decisions, accepted positions, and gone on to enjoy fabulous adventures and teaching careers. Rest assured, you will do the same!
Happy Hunting!