News: Teach Abroad with New School in Bangladesh Aimed at Empowering Women Leaders - Mar 25, 2024
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Teach Abroad with New School in Bangladesh Aimed at Empowering Women Leaders

Overseas teaching with The Asian University for Women Laboratory School (AUW Lab School) offers an exceptional experience with a new international, secondary school for girls set to open August 2024. The landscape for the school is Chittagong—also called Chattogram— the oldest natural sea post in the Bay of Bengal in southern Bangladesh.

AUW Lab School is the first of its kind, a fully independent, regional institution dedicated to women’s education and leadership development. AUW exists to educate and empower women leaders with a focus on liberal arts and science education.

International in outlook yet rooted in regional contexts and community-based aspirations, AUW Lab School will empower and prepare its students to secure excellent, post-secondary opportunities and to be active, service-oriented citizens in their communities. Dedicated to the education and leadership development of women across Asia and the Middle East, the new school is affiliated with the Asian University for Women. Founders of AUW Lab School say,

We want to provide an excellent English medium school education to the girls in this region, and develop confident thinkers, and leaders who make positive contributions to the local and global community.

The Asian University for Women is located within the University campus in central Chattogram in southern Bangladesh.

The vibrant city of Chattogram is home to about 3.25 million yet near gorgeous green hillside country and lakes. Not far is the holiday resort and popular tourist destination Cox’s Bazaar, which borders the country of Myanmar and boasts the longest uninterrupted beach in the world.

AUW Lab School will launch with an estimated 75 students in Grades 6, 7, and 8. Approximately 87% of the students and 55% of the teaching staff will be Bangladeshi. A grade level will be added each subsequent year until they reach Grade 12 and full capacity of 525 students. Pending accreditation through the Council of International Schools, AUW Lab School follows an international program using inquiry-based learning to deliver the Canadian curriculum.

Social-emotional learning, service learning, research, outdoor and ecological education, and entrepreneurial and leadership development are essential to AUW Lab School’s educational program and student holistic development. In addition, AUW Lab School’s extra-curricular program invites students to join Model United Nations; Duke of Edinburgh Award; Public Speaking and Debate; and a variety of sports and student-developed clubs.

The newly built campus, expected to be completed in the Spring of 2024, offers state-of-the-art classrooms, labs, tiered lecture halls, cafeteria, faculty offices, students lounges, library, computing centers and more, all surrounded by the serenity of the greenery and quiet of the area.

AUW Lab School also aims to be a training campus for pre-service teachers to offer an exchange opportunity between faculty. Overseas teaching may include opportunities to be part of the seminars offered to students in the teacher training program. In addition, the pre-service teachers in the training program will participate in the professional development courses offered at the AUW Lab School.

The school hires certified singles and married teaching couples and would consider newly certified teachers and interns wishing to experience teaching abroad. Teachers must hold an academic degree in the subject they will be teaching. In Bangladesh, there is no age limit for certified teachers to obtain a work visa.

The international teaching benefits package includes a non-taxed salary and allowances for moving, housing, and annual airfare. In-house professional development (PD) is provided in addition to opportunities for external PD. Worldwide—except for the U.S.—health insurance is fully covered.

To gain access to Asian University for Women Lab School’s profile on the Search Associates database, including a list of any vacancies, candidates can apply for membership by clicking here.Candidates already registered can easily access the school profile directly through their dashboards.

Please note: The information presented about this school was valid on the date published. This information may change, and the most up-to-date information can be found on the school profile.

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