News: Teach Abroad in Shenzen - Jan 10, 2019
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Thursday, January 10, 2019School Spotlights

Teach Abroad in Shenzen

Established in 2001, Green Oasis School (GOS) holds to its vision to “Educate, Nurture, Inspire Excellence” in all areas of the school. GOS is situated in the heart of Shenzhen, a modern city on the border with Hong Kong, featuring an excellent transport system but also dotted with parks and gardens. The city has a growing reputation around the world as a vibrant yet very safe place to live.

This co-ed school offers the U.K. national curriculum in Years 1-9, followed by the International or General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations through Cambridge and Edexcel in Years 10 and 11. The school has a strong Chinese Language Department that supports all students as they learn Chinese. The primary and secondary sections of Green Oasis are led by enthusiastic and experienced heads of division who manage highly qualified teams of both Western and Chinese teachers.

A candidate school for Council of International Schools accreditation, GOS currently enrolls 715 students of 22 nationalities, half of whom are Chinese and 5% of whom are from North America and the U.K. The teaching staff of 70 includes 14 from China and 33 from North America and the U.K.

The school’s rich in-class and extracurricular arts and sports programs complement its academic curriculum. GOS students are able to study music intensively by composing, performing, and listening. Three music teachers with expertise in singing, piano, and string instruments staff the department. On the website, the department expresses its desire for students

“. . . to engage and explore all the elements of music on all available instruments in the four studios that we have and have real experiences.”

In the art department, students practice drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and textile arts. They continually engage in the process of investigating, planning, creating, and evaluating their work, using a developmental workbook.

As for athletics, GOS runs football and basketball practices for students in Years 7–11. Students at any age can join volleyball and cricket. Teams in football, basketball, and volleyball compete against other schools. The new Athletic Director is also launching a track and field program!

The GOS community aims to keep its campus green. Their motto is to “Think global but act local!” A recycling club not only oversees collection bins in every classroom, but also designs bilingual signs reminding staff and students to turn off all appropriate electronics when exiting an area. Plans to build an organic garden on the school roof—complete with instruments to measure temperature and precipitation—are underway. The school’s long-term goal is to install solar panels to power the entire campus. Environmental Day at GOS constitutes a focal point for discussing the impact of global warming and other environmental issues while finding ways to improve the GOS campus and local environment.

GOS prefers to hire single teachers and couples with a non-teaching spouse, but they will also consider teaching couples and candidates accredited in non-English speaking countries. Teachers must hold an academic degree in the subject they will be teaching. China issues work visas up to the age of 60.

The benefits package includes a one-time moving allowance, a monthly housing stipend, and annual airfare. The tuition benefit is 100% for two children ages five and up and 50% for a third child. Both in-house and external professional development opportunities will be offered to staff. Local health insurance, including emergency coverage outside mainland China, is fully paid. With these benefits, teachers have a great opportunity to save or the chance for a family of four to live on one salary.

To gain access to Green Oasis School’s full profile on the Search Associates database, including a list of all open positions, candidates can apply for membership by clicking here. Candidates already registered can easily access the school profile directly through their dashboards.

Please note: The information presented about this school was valid on the date published. This information may change, and the most up-to-date information can be found on the school profile.

Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Gez Hayden led the first international school authorized to offer all three IB programs in China.