News: Teach Abroad in Colombia - Jul 22, 2019
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Monday, July 22, 2019School Spotlights

Teach Abroad in Colombia

Intelligent lighting, ventilation renovation, & acoustic insulationRochester School (Rochester), also known as Colegio Rochester, is a private, bilingual day school for students from Pre-K through Grade 12. A member of the Council of International Schools, Rochester provides competency-based education in English and Spanish in a friendly and safe environment. The school is located in a forested suburban area between Bogota and Chia, about 20 minutes from either city. Because some teachers live in Chia and some in Bogota, Rochester provides transportation to and from both areas.


Acquatic center, with 2 pools & 21 showers heated by solar collectors & electric heat pumps, also serves the curriculum.Rochester is certified as a Green LEED Gold school by the United States Green Building Council, a Glasser Quality School by William Glasser International, and a Recognized by Excellence School by the European Foundation for Quality Management.


Currently enrolled are 1,007 mostly Colombian students following the U.S. Common Core Curricula and, in the upper levels, a choice of Advanced Placement courses. Additionally, high school students choose between French and Portuguese as a third language. The teaching staff of 114 comprises 104 Colombian teachers and seven from North America and the U.K. The school climate is based on trusted and caring relationships, and teachers are asked to act as leaders who inspire students to do their best in using knowledge to innovate and solve real-world issues.


Waste water treatment plant also serves to teach. A compost area & several orchards are for student & teacher use. For students interested in the performing arts, Rochester offers music education and dance school. High performance athletes, for a semester fee, can join The Rochester Sports Club. This allows for opportunities to train and compete locally, nationally, and internationally in football (soccer), basketball, volleyball, swimming, water polo, and artistic gymnastics. Rochester even offers pre-competitive sports training, which the school says, “help culture physical and mental discipline for any type of corporal activity.” Rochester also provides a swimming class for those who wish to improve their swimming skills.


Four hard courts for PE & sports, 11 outdoor work out machines, and MS & HS buildings with rooftop solar panels Rochester prefers to hire singles, interns, and married couples with a non-teaching spouse. They will also consider exceptional newly-certified teachers, experienced local teachers lacking certification, and those certified in non-English speaking countries. Candidates must hold their academic degree in the subject they will be teaching. Certified teachers under the age of 50 may obtain a work visa.


Computer labs for each division use Apple technology. Teachers get an iPad, and every classroom has a TV & Apple TV for AirPlay.The benefits package includes a housing allowance, annual roundtrip airfare for employees, and a 50% tuition benefit for children. A full professional development program is funded every year for the teacher competency-based certification program. A myriad of in-service and third-party courses and university programs are also offered. In accordance with Colombian law, the school contributes 8% to a retirement plan, as well as 8% for medical insurance, for which the teacher pays 4%. This local health insurance includes long-term disability and emergency evacuation. Other bonuses include subsidized lunch, bus transportation, and a native speakers program. There are local employment opportunities for non-teaching spouses. This package allows for a bit of savings.


Children's Library as part of the Learning Resources CenterTo gain access to Rochester School’s full profile on the Search Associates database, including a list of all open positions, candidates can apply for membership by clicking here. Candidates already registered can easily access the school profile directly through their dashboards. 


Please note: The information presented about this school was valid on the date published. This information may change, and the most up-to-date information can be found on the school profile.





Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Gez Hayden led the first international school authorized to offer all three IB programs in China.