Harrow Beijing International School (Harrow Beijing) celebrates Harrow’s 450 years and traditions while embracing the vibrant culture of Beijing, China. Harrow Beijing stands proudly with its parent school, Harrow School London. Founded in 2005, the day school has two campuses. Located on the outskirts of town, the Early Years City Campus, is surrounded by beautiful green and leafy wide-open countryside, and a new, purpose-built campus is under construction. Hegezhuang Campus is in a beautiful village near the airport express subway line and houses students from Year 2 upwards. Harrow Beijing fosters students to be empathetic, responsible citizens who will make a contribution to society within a healthy and positive environment. Living and teaching in the magnificent city of Beijing offers a vibrant teach abroad experience. The school says,
History draws you in, and you can’t help but feel you are following the footsteps of the great historical figures who have helped shape the culture.

Accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education and Council of International Schools, Harrow Beijing currently enrolls 1500 early years through Year 13 students, 75% of whom are Chinese. Students prepare for the International or General Certificate of Secondary Education and A Levels. To support an international teacher’s acclimation to China and overseas teaching experience, the school’s teaching staff of 163 includes 39 Chinese educators. As part of the Harrow family, teachers are included in activities that are organized for staff working in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Haikou, Bangkok, and London.

Harrow Beijing’s Activities Programme for students fosters academic endeavors beyond the measurable outcomes of examination results. It includes wide and habitual reading, extended project work, debate, public speaking, music and drama, research, competitions, lectures, and study trips. In addition, students have the opportunity to participate in variety of regional, national and international sporting events to build a sense of belonging for students: sports days, running events, football, swimming, basketball, volleyball, handball, ultimate frisbee, and more.
Harrow Beijing International School hires certified overseas teaching candidates of diverse profiles. They consider candidates with a non-teaching partner, newly-certified teachers and interns. However, candidates must hold their academic degree in the subject they will be teaching. As per government regulations, those up to the age of 60 may obtain a work visa.
This international school opportunity is heightened with a favorable benefits package that includes allowances for housing, relocation to and from the school, and annual flights for teachers and dependents. In addition, tuition is free for up to two dependents and worldwide health insurance—except for the U.S.—is provided, with the employee paying a percentage. The package could amount to substantial savings or the chance for a family of four to live on one salary. Join Harrow Beijing for an extraordinary and rewarding experience!
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Please note: The information presented about this school was valid on the date published. This information may change, and the most up-to-date information can be found on the school profile.