News: Search San Francisco Fair:  New Venue, Same Personal Service   - Feb 27, 2014
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Thursday, February 27, 2014General News

Search San Francisco Fair: New Venue, Same Personal Service

Positive feedback from both candidates and recruiters confirmed what Vice President Michael Williams was already feeling: the 7th annual Search San Francisco Fair ran very smoothly, providing its 180 attending candidates with the ample opportunity to meet recruiters from 63 international schools. Michael remarked:

"We had a good group of candidates, who were especially strong at the Elementary level. Several recruiters commented to me on what a good quality selection of candidates we had in attendance."

Search was fortunate to have on hand a first-rate team of support staff, including three Senior Associates, Ralph Jahr, Ray Sparks, and Bridget McNamer, joining Michael for consultations with candidates. Their contributions to the success of the fair were evident and greatly appreciated. Over 70 of the 270 jobs posted have been filled as of February 27th.

This year the event was held at a new location, the San Francisco Airport Hyatt. Michael praised the hotel's excellent service:

"Although they had never hosted a Search Fair, the staff was very attentive to our needs. The food was outstanding, the location easy to get to, and we were very pleased with the way we could lay out the fair, providing us plenty of space for both candidates and recruiters, and room to grow if the fair expands. We'll consider using this hotel again in the future."

While Search Associates might offer a different venue or a larger fair, what they will never change is their personal touch.

Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Diana Kerry was an international educator and administrator for 25 years in various countries, including Iran, France, Thailand, and Indonesia.