News: Search Associates Cambridge Fair: Richest in Talent and Offerings - Apr 17, 2014
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Thursday, April 17, 2014General News

Search Associates Cambridge Fair: Richest in Talent and Offerings

Search Associates delivered another successful job fair in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Attending the 23rd annual Search Associates Cambridge Fair were 470 candidates comprised of teachers, administrators, counselors, librarians, and interns in addition to 231 recruiters, representing 134 international schools from around the world. It was significant enough for the following extensive team of Senior Associates to assist fair organizer and President Jessica Magagna: Jim Ambrose, Sally Gordon, Gez Hayden, Dexter Lewis, Bridget McNamer, Ralph Jahr, Ray Sparks, and John Magagna. And it was important enough for Intern Coordinator Diana Kerry and Recruitment Coordinator, Melinda Williams to be on hand. Kevin, a candidate from Michigan, commented about this:

"It was an amazing experience to work with Search Associates in getting the opportunity to teach abroad. The support and care that the staff provided to me was priceless. Overall, I found the assistance from the company to be very positive."

Another candidate, Christina, living in Hanoi, agreed,

"I was really impressed with the organization, support and collegial atmosphere of the Search Associates job fair in Cambridge, USA!"

The Cambridge fair is the flagship of the recruiting season for several reasons. The timing is quite advantageous, as it is neither too early nor too late in the international recruiting cycle. The fair is also quite diverse, attracting schools from all around the world, instead of schools from particular regions. This provides candidates with a wide variety of schools/locations from which to choose. Many find jobs! President Jessica Magagna has announced,

"To date, 55% percent of the candidates who attended Cambridge have accepted a job offer. Over the next month or two, this number may increase as a result of interviews that took place at the fair."

To take advantage of so much talent congregated in one place, the Search Associates Cambridge fair now offers Open House Meetings for special interest groups. Intern Coordinator Diana Kerry and John Magagna spoke with recruiters about the tremendous contribution young teaching interns can make. For aspiring Heads of Schools, several recruiters met with John Magagna, Ralph Jahr, and Jim Ambrose for advice on how to get their first job as Head. An Open House Meeting with Jack Murphy, Search Associates Consultant for College Placement, offered recruiters excellent advice on how to bring first-rate college counseling to all students. Schools abroad interested in supplementing their income through development activities met with Eric Rolfson, Search Associates consultant with many years experience in fundraising. Finally, Search Associates President Jessica Magagna and Web Developer Rob Snyder met with recruiters for suggestions on improving the quality and ease of use of the Search database. Already impressed, though, was Nate, a candidate from Tennessee:

"Search Associates was incredibly helpful. The website was easy to navigate and provided lots of useful information. Thank you Search Associates for helping me take the international leap!"

Indeed, Cambridge in February was well worth it for those who attended the Search Associates Job Fair.

Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Bill Turner’s international teaching career has taken him to Sudan, Italy, Qatar and the UAE as well as his home country of England. His very first teaching position was in rural Sudan.