News: Overseas Teaching Positions in Abu Dhabi - Dec 15, 2019
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Sunday, December 15, 2019School Spotlights

Overseas Teaching Positions in Abu Dhabi

The first charter school in the U.A.E., Al Rayana School opened its doors in September 2018 to approximately 2,000 K–5 Emirati students from the Rooh Al Ittihad district in Abu Dhabi. Al Rayana Charter School feels privileged to be part of the new charter school movement, with its common understanding of best international practices. Mirroring a U.S. charter school in terms of expectations for student learning, the school is determined to transition from a public school’s outcomes-based curriculum to inquiry-based learning within the Common Core standards framework.

Al Rayana Charter School’s diverse staff is 63% international, with 25% Arabic-speaking members and 12% bilingual/trilingual members. Of its 110 teachers, 75 come from North America and the U.K. The school is accredited by the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge.

Al Rayana Charter School is interested in hiring certified singles and couples, including those with a non-teaching spouse. They will also consider interns, outstanding newly-certified teachers, and candidates certified in a non-English speaking country. The school adds, “a minimum of three years [of experience is required to apply for a] leadership position for Middle and Senior leaders. For Principal positions, we require a minimum of five years of leadership experience with a MPQH and/or a Master’s degree.” Certified teachers up to the age of 64 may apply for a work visa.

Along with a competitive salary, the benefits package includes a housing allowance and tuition for up to two children. Al Rayana Charter School believes in continuous professional development and offers its staff a variety of choices. Local health coverage is fully covered and includes life insurance. This package allows for a family of four to live on one salary. Finally, there are local employment opportunities for non-teaching spouses.

To gain access to Al Rayana Charter School’s full profile on the Search Associates database, including a list of all open positions, candidates can apply for membership by clicking here. Candidates already registered can easily access the school profile directly through their dashboards.

Please note: The information presented about this school was valid on the date published. This information may change, and the most up-to-date information can be found on the school profile.

Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Bill Turner’s international teaching career has taken him to Sudan, Italy, Qatar and the UAE as well as his home country of England. His very first teaching position was in rural Sudan.