News: Overseas Teaching Bilingual, World Citizens in Hong Kong - Aug 25, 2021
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Wednesday, August 25, 2021School Spotlights

Overseas Teaching Bilingual, World Citizens in Hong Kong

Founded in 1965, Causeway Bay Victoria Kindergarten & International Nursery (CBVIN) aims to nurture a community of diverse, curious, and respectful bilingual learners who will develop as “responsible global thinkers in an evolving world.” CBVIN delivers a holistic curriculum in an engaging and safe learning environment where students are encouraged to reach their full potential, academically, socially, and emotionally. This well-established kindergarten’s mission is “Bilingual Learners Today, World Citizens Tomorrow.”

CBVIN sits right across from Victoria Park and close to one of the main shopping areas in Hong Kong. From its rooftop, one can see a portion of the Victoria Harbour. The school is easily accessible by bus, train, tram, and taxi in the Hong Kong area. Also nearby are the post office, fast food restaurants, and other eateries of many ethnicities.

In addition to its 15 classrooms, CBVIN comprises a library, a dedicated room for STEAM education, a Multi-function Hall, an Activity Room, and two outdoor playgrounds.

Authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), CBVIN currently delivers the IB Primary Years Programme to 560 students Years 1-6 (U.K.). Ninety-eight percent of the students are from Hong Kong. The teaching staff of 55 includes 37 local educators.

CBVIN is interested in hiring certified single teachers and couples with a non-teaching partner. They will also consider teaching couples and newly-certified candidates. Teachers must hold their academic degree in the subject area they will be teaching. Certified candidates up to the age of 50 with a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education may obtain a work visa.

The school provides in-house IB training annually. Because CBVIN runs the Read & Writing Project for students ages four and five, experienced trainers from the Teachers College of Columbia University—where the program was developed—run on-site training. CBVIN also encourages its teaching staff to attend other professional development (PD) opportunities by providing an annual PD allowance of HK$2000 per staff member.

The benefits package includes a settling-in allowance and one, annual round-trip airfare home. CBVIN contributes 5%, up to $1500, to a retirement fund. The school adds, “The contribution made by the school will be used to offset the gratuity paid at the end of the contract.” CBVIN’s says a tuition benefit is “applicable to those children attending our own kindergarten or our affiliated primary and secondary school, provided that there are vacancies, and [they have] passed the interview process.” Local health insurance—including emergency evacuation, long-term disability, and life insurance—is fully covered. This benefits package amounts to some outstanding savings.

Causeway Bay Victoria Kindergarten & International Nursery’s full profile on the Search Associates database, including a list of any vacancies, candidates can apply for membership by clicking here. Candidates already registered can easily access the school profile directly through their dashboards.

Please note: The information presented about this school was valid on the date published. This information may change, and the most up-to-date information can be found on the school profile.

Did You Know…?

Many international schools start recruiting in September for the following school year.