News: Overseas Schools:  Growing More Global - Dec 28, 2013
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Saturday, December 28, 2013General News

Overseas Schools: Growing More Global

Recently Search Associates conducted a study on the nationalities of its active candidates seeking jobs in international schools and found that they are becoming significantly more diverse. This finding is consistent with our own day-to-day observation and experience.

40 years ago, nearly all overseas schools were staffed by either British or American teachers, depending on each school's orientation. Today, 76% of all our active candidates come from five countries: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. These numbers reflect overseas schools' preference for native English speakers. Nevertheless, the remaining 24% —over 1,300 candidates— hails from as many as 131 countries. Chief among them are India, France, South Africa, Spain, Germany, Ireland, and the Philippines. And a smattering of active candidates comes from countries as diverse as Kazakhstan, Fiji, Belize, Sierra Leone, and Estonia.

Search Associates and staff are quite diverse as well. For example, how does one define the Senior Associate who was born in South Africa, raised in England, worked extensively in South America, and now lives in Thailand? What is the nationality of the Senior Associate born in the US, schooled in Germany, Switzerland, and Norway, and whose 25-year teaching career primarily took place in the Middle East and Asia?

Like many of our overseas students, we simply call them citizens of the world.

<div  _rdEditor_temp=Sitting: Jessica Magagna, John Magagna

First Row: David Cope, Ralph Jahr, John Ritter, Jim Ambrose, Diana Kerry, Gez Hayden, Bridget McNamer, Harry Deelman

Second Row: Rob Snyder, Bob Barlas, Dexter Lewis, Sally Gordon, Ray Sparks, Melinda Williams, Nick Kendell, Mike Williams, Barry Drake

Not Present: Senior Associate Marie Bogat" src="//">

Did You Know…?

Search Associates has over 15 Senior Associates with offices around the globe, each bringing a wealth of experience in international education.