News: International School of Monaco - Apr 16, 2018
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Monday, April 16, 2018School Spotlights

International School of Monaco

In a glittering city-state tucked away on the French Riviera, members of the International School of Monaco (ISM) community enjoy an exceptional quality of life, with an average of 300 days of sunshine every year. The school rests between the sea and the mountains, overlooking the yacht-lined main harbor of Monte Carlo. ISM’s renewed membership with Search Associates will offer fantastic candidates like you the chance to be a part of thisunique school community.

Established in 1994 and accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS), ISM is a K–12 bilingual school offering the International Baccalaureate Diploma and the International General Certificate of Secondary Education to 647 students of 50 nationalities. The teaching staff of 80 includes 38 from Monaco. More than a quarter of the students and nearly half of ISM’s teachers come from North America and the U.K.

ISM’s campus comprises two newly renovated buildings on the pier overlooking the Monte Carlo Harbor. A new extension opened in September 2015, designed specifically for the early years program, with a spacious rooftop playground/sports area. Another outdoor sports area designated for middle and secondary school students is a few minutes’ walk from the campus.

In addition to emphasizing academic achievement, ISM offers a host of extra-curricular activities. Though music and drama are embedded in ISM’s curriculum, students can participate in additional performing arts activities, such as joining one of the two choirs, or taking lessons in singing, musical instruments, musical theater and drama, or public speaking. Students may pursue the graded music exams of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) or the examinations of the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA). Art lovers can participate in after-school art workshops, and the IB Visual Arts students present a public exhibition of their artwork every year, to which the whole school community is invited. Offerings for after-school sports and physical activities include basketball, rugby, other team sports and games, aerobics, yoga, running club, and, of course, sailing! Some of ISM’s teams compete in intramural competitions throughout the year.

Children at every grade level also take part in cultural field trips. The youngest visit local museums, while the elementary students take three, five and seven-day trips to the French Alps or further afield into Switzerland. Middle school students travel through key areas of France, and in Class 9 in secondary school, students visit historic battlefields in northern France. The summer before Class 10, students embark on a geography expedition.

ISM is interested in hiring singles and couples—married, unmarried, or with a non-teaching spouse (for whom there are local employment opportunities.) They will also consider interns. Teachers must be certified in the subject they will be teaching, but ISM will consider those certified in non-English speaking countries as well as newly-certified teachers. Given that it takes up to six months for non-EU nationals to obtain work permits, ISM requires that candidates have EU passports; however, there is no age limit.

ISM’s benefits include allowances for moving and settling in as a contribution towards airfare provided at the start of employment. The school fully covers local health insurance, professional development, and tuition for all dependents in addition to providing lunch daily. ISM also contributes 11% towards a retirement plan.

To gain access to the International School of Monaco’s full profile on the Search Associates database, including a list of all open positions, candidates can apply for membership by clicking here. Candidates already registered can easily access the school profile directly through their dashboards.

Please Note: The information presented about this school was valid on the date published. This information may change, and the most up-to-date information can be found on the school profile.

Did You Know…?

Senior associate Harry Deelman was at various times headmaster of schools in a fascinating foursome of global cities: Buenos Aires, Rome, Dubai, and Bangkok.