Senior Consultant Jeremy Lewis joined hundreds of school leaders and educators at the ECIS & NEASC Leadership Conference, held at the exquisite De Vere Beaumont Estate in Windsor, U.K., April 25th-27th. The conference, whose theme was Living Your Mission, was very “well run, with a rich and varied programme,” reports our Search Associates (SEARCH) representative.
Jeremy was able to slip away from the busy SEARCH table in the exhibitors’ hall to attend two keynotes and a couple of sessions, including an “ISC Research data-rich presentation” on the continued growth in international schools. He also attended a session on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB), curious to hear how schools are addressing this critical issue their in curricula, policies, and recruitment practices, and eager to incorporate the learning into his own work:
When I interview potential school leaders, I want to be up-to-speed with current thinking and best practice in this area.

Jeremy enjoyed Dr. Hilary Cremin’s keynote on the first day about the design and delivery of a Peace Curriculum. Dr. Cremin is a research professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge, UK. He was struck by Cremin’s description of education as a “sacred place,” and her desire to develop “conflict literacy” within schools, where students would be taught how to develop language for problem solving.
On the second day, Jeremy attended Dr. Bloodine Barthelus’s keynote focusing on the importance of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) from a U.S. perspective. Senior Director of Practice at CASEL Dr. Barthelus delivered key messages that Jeremy felt held “universal and international resonance.” He recognized the regrettable truth behind her assertion that there exists a “collision” between overwhelmed teachers and overwhelmed students which made her contention that SEL is a “global priority” ever more telling.

Jeremy had a wonderful time at two large social gatherings, a networking event on the first evening and a boat cruise on the second. These events, combined with daily interactions with conference attendees, offered rich opportunities for him to speak with school leaders considering their future options as well as a chance to introduce Search Associates to those unacquainted with us.
Such a well-run and well attended event has Senior Consultant Jeremy Lewis and Search Associates eager to see what is in store for next year’s ECIS/NEASC Leadership Conference!