News: Igniting Minds and Exceptional Learning: Tri-Association Conference 2023 - Oct 21, 2023
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Saturday, October 21, 2023General News

Igniting Minds and Exceptional Learning: Tri-Association Conference 2023

(L-R): Jen, Bob, & DianaFrom beginning to end, the annual Tri-Association Conference—held this year at Colegio Nueva Granada, Bogota, Colombia, October 10-14ththrilled its participants. Senior Associates Bob and Jennifer Imholt and Senior Consultant Diana Martelly joined 864 participants, representing 70 schools and 14 countries, for a celebration of teaching, learning, culture, and life. The opening ceremony of students showcasing Colombian culture with singing and dancing performances ignited the event.

Three keynote presentations anchored the conference, whose theme was Exceptional Learning in Exceptional Times: Primed for Engagement and Impact. Myron Dueck gave an inspiring talk Who are We and What Do We Offer? Defining the “Exceptional Educator” in “Exceptional Times.” Dr. Douglas Fisher presented How Learning Works? Sarah Ortega, who was sponsored by Search Associates and introduced by Jen, spoke on Teaching Students to Drive their Learning.

Tri-Association’s exceptional organization allowed participants to choose from 107 school presentations and 26 consultant presentations. Bob and Jennifer were able to meet many current and potential Search Associates (SEARCH) candidates. Jen comments,

Meeting in person with many of the candidates we've been assisting for years was a truly wonderful experience.

Keynote speaker Sarah OrtegaTri-Association and Colegio Nueva Granada (CNG) accommodated 85 exhibitors, including SEARCH. At our table, Diana enjoyed sharing with a few school leaders the consulting services that SEARCH provides. It was timely to be at CNG, where Diana and fellow Senior Consultant Paul Poore and Diana have been supporting the hiring of the new Director for 2025. She adds,

Numerous members of the CNG community made a point to visit the Search Associates table and express their appreciation for the excellent organization of the search process and candidate visits.

Jen Imholt introducing keynoteColegio Nueva Granada threw a party with delicious food, music, and dancing, which also featured dance troupes showcasing regional dances from Colombia. Outstanding social events, food, and ease of transportation transformed this professional development opportunity into a mini vacation. Jen says,


It was wonderful to be back at CNG, a school that we called home for three years. We were treated to the warm hospitality of the Colombian culture, and we enjoyed catching up with the amazing educators in this region! I was a great opportunity to connect with current and future SEARCH candidates at the Tri-Association conference.

Search Associates looks forward to attending next year’s Tri-Association Conference, hosted by the American School Foundation, A.C. (ASF), Mexico City in September 2024.

Did You Know…?

Nick Kendell is running FREE seminars in Australia for teachers. Book your spot now to find out more about a career teaching overseas!