Secondary Principal at American International School of Abuja in Nigeria
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Secondary Principal
American International School of Abuja (Nigeria)

Appointed - Terry Ehiorobo
Apr 12, 2016
May 15, 2016

Posted Date: April 11, 2016

Deadline: May 15, 2016

Starting Date: August 1, 2016


The American International School of Abuja seeks a new Secondary Principal for the 2016-17 academic school year. This position is a part of the School Senior Leadership Team that includes the Head of School, Elementary Principal, and Business Manager.

AISA Mission Statement


The American International School of Abuja provides an accredited American education to achieve in all students:

  • Academic Excellence
  • Critical Thinking
  • Self-Esteem
  • Social Responsibility
  • Respect for Cultural Diversity


AISA Vision Statement


The AISA vision is to be a world class international school that develops students’ skills, knowledge, and character to enable them to achieve their full potential and pursue their dreams.


The School


The American International School of Abuja was founded in 1993 as a non-profit, independent, coeducational school in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy and a group of parents. In August 2006, AISA opened the school year in a new, purpose-built permanent facility, with spacious grounds and ample room for growth. The student population has risen from 150 at the close of the 2005 school year to its current enrollment of around 500 students from preschool through grade 12. AISA’s student population is diverse, representing approximately 40 nations, with host nationals comprising approximately 38% of the student body, Americans 22%, and the remaining 40% from the rest of the world. Class sizes throughout the school range from 15-22 students. The school is fully accredited by Middle States Association. AISA offers both a US High School Diploma and a robust AP (Advanced Placement) program with plans to implement the AP Capstone diploma. AISA’s first graduating class matriculated in June 2009. 


The current facility, developed in 2006, is located on a 14.6-acre campus with spacious grounds. It consists of 34 classrooms, a learning support classroom, an ELL classroom, two science labs, one computer lab, a large library/media center, a conference room, the school store (run by the PTA) and a health clinic. All classrooms and offices are networked and have full wireless Internet access. The large multi-purpose hall is used as a cafeteria, auditorium, and for sporting activities. The school also boasts a large sports field, running track, outdoor basketball court, swimming pool, and separate playgrounds and field areas for the elementary and early childhood students.


The school has recently completed an update to the campus master plan and future expansion projects include on-campus faculty housing, a new gymnasium, additional classrooms, and more.


The strength of the school community is a consistent theme that has been consistently identified in accreditation reports and internal surveys. Teachers have ample time to collaborate and work together in professional learning teams, early dismissal curriculum days, and more. There are also a number of school improvement committees that both parents and teachers participate in. 


Abuja is recognized as one of the well-planned and wealthiestcapital cities in West Africa. Abuja has two distinct seasons; the dry season, which usually lasts from October until April, and the rainy season, which lasts from May until September. Abuja has shopping complexes, a growing number of restaurants, a range of supermarkets, as well as traditional markets. Travel opportunities within Africa and to other parts of the world are plentiful with several major airlines offering direct and daily flights out of the Abuja International Airport.


Although parts of Nigeria have been witness to incidents that have threatened security, Abuja remains relatively free of the conflict that has persisted in the mainly northern part of the country. The school has rented two complete apartment complexes for its faculty housing and provides 24-hour security to ensure the safety of its staff. In addition, the school is located immediately next one of the US Embassy housing compounds for its workers, which adds another level of security and collaboration between the two organizations. The school employs a full-time expatriate Security Manager as well as a local Assistant Security Manager and Security Operations Supervisor.

Position Profile


The Secondary Principal reports directly to the Head of School and is responsible for the academic and administrative aspects of this division (grades 6-12). The Secondary Principal is evaluated twice a year by the Head of School based on the position description and yearly agreed upon goals. The Secondary School Principal is supported administratively by the Secondary Administrative Assistant, Middle School Counselor, and High School Counselor. The school also employs a full time PS-12 Curriculum Coordinator to support the academic program.


Required Qualifications

  • Former experience in a school leadership position (principal, assistant principal, curriculum coordinator, instructional coach, etc.)
  • Minimum three years experience as a classroom teacher
  • Master’s degree or equivalent in Education
  • United States, Canadian, UK, or Australian teaching and school administration certification


Preferred Skills and Attributes

  • Excellent track record of student academic achievement and success as a school leader and/or classroom teacher
  • Ability to see the big picture, created a shared vision, and oversee /supervise a successful implementation process
  • Proficient in the use of technology and current with the latest trends and research in educational technology
  • Skilled in the use of data to impact/justify program and instructional decisions
  • Empathetic, compassionate, and able to foster consensus – yet also able to make difficult decisions in the best interests of the school, division, and community
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment, collaborate with different stakeholder groups, and take on many roles to ensure successful results and completion of goals
  • Receptiveness to feedback and efficient in making requested changes
  • Energetic approach to the position and desire to continuously cultivate positive interpersonal relationships with students, staff, and parents
  • Well-read on best educational practices/research and able to quickly absorb new information
  • A highly-developed sense of organization and communication (both verbal and written)
  • Accreditation experience
  • Maintains a high ethical standard and ensures appropriate levels of confidentiality
  • Previous experience living and working internationally


Specific Job Responsibilities


Job responsibilities for this position include, but are not limited to:


  • Establish and promote high standards and expectations for all students and staff for academic performance and responsibility for behavior
  • Implement system for the collection and organization of student achievement data and other pertinent data, frequently monitoring student progress
  • Organize and supervise procedures for identifying and addressing special needs of students including health-related concerns, and physical, emotional needs
  • Promote collaboration practices for improving student learning
  • Supervise the instructional programs of the school, evaluate lesson plans and observe classes on a regular basis to encourage the use of a variety of instructional strategies and materials consistent with research on learning and child growth and development
  • Supervise and evaluate instructional staff
  • Manage, evaluate and supervise effective and clear procedures for the operation and functioning of the Secondary School consistent with the philosophy, mission, and goals of the school including instructional programs, extracurricular activities, discipline systems to ensure a safe and orderly climate, building maintenance, program evaluation, personnel management, office operations, and emergency procedures
  • Coordinate teaching activities of the institution by making personnel assignments and preparing timetables
  • Establish the annual master schedule for instructional programs, ensuring sequential learning experiences for students consistent with the school’s philosophy, mission statement and instructional goals
  • Conduct meetings, as necessary, for the proper functioning of the school
  • Organize and maintain procedures for the keeping of records
  • Attend required committee meetings (e.g.: policy, curriculum, etc.) and extra school sponsored functions
  • Implement policies and procedures to carry out established goals
  • Supervise a fair and consistent manner effective discipline and attendance systems with high standards, consistent with the philosophy, values, and mission of the school
  • Ensure a safe, orderly environment that encourages students to take responsibility for behavior and creates high morale among staff and students
  • Establish a professional rapport with students, staff, parents and the Board
  • Display the highest ethical and professional behavior and standards when working with students, parents and school personnel
  • Serve as a role model for students, dressing professionally, demonstrating the importance and relevance of learning, accepting responsibility, and demonstrating pride in the education profession. Encourage all teachers to do the same
  • Maintain positive, cooperative and mutually supportive relationships with staff, parents and the Leadership Team
  • Provide a safe learning and play environment
  • Establish and promote high standards and expectations for all students and staff for academic performance and responsibility for behavior
  • Maintain visibility with students, teachers, parents and the Board
  • Communicate regularly with parents, seeking their support and advice, so as to create a cooperative relationship to support the student in the school
  • Use effective presentation skills when addressing students, staff, parents, and the community including appropriate vocabulary and examples, clear and legible visuals, and articulate and audible speech
  • Provide assistance and oversight at teacher housing complexes (reporting maintenance issues, walkthroughs, new teacher housing orientation, etc.)
  • Assume other professional responsibilities as assigned by the Head of School


Salary and Benefits


AISA provides a competitive salary and benefits to professional staff. The salary for the Secondary Principal will be commensurate with the candidate’s qualifications and experience. Benefits include relocation allowance, health/dental insurance, annual flight tickets, furnished housing, utilities, security at residence, free tuition for children, interest free loan, completion of contract bonus, contract renewal bonus, storage of personal items bonus, sick leave/bereavement leave, recruitment leave, urgent personal leave, and more.


Application Procedure and Process


All applications materials should be sent to both email addresses listed below.

and a cc to


The application deadline is May 15, 2016, although Search Associates and AISA reserve the right to end the search should an outstanding candidate be identified and hired early in the process. For that reason candidates are urged to apply promptly. Applications should be emailed as a single attachment and include the following:

  • A letter of application explaining your strengths as a candidate and why you are interested in the Secondary Principal position at AISA
  • A current resume, not to exceed two pages
  • A one-page list of references with current addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses
  • A maximum of three letters of reference that may already be in your possession.




Did You Know…?

Search Associates is a family-owned business founded by John Magagna, former international educator. After working with her father for ten years, daughter Jessica Magagna is now CEO.