Principal (Head of School) at Sri KDU International School in Malaysia
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Principal (Head of School)
Sri KDU International School (Malaysia)

Appointed - George Piacentini
Oct 19, 2020
Nov 23, 2020


Sri KDU® International School   




 from August 2021


The Governors of Sri KDU International School (SKIS) are looking for a new

Principal (Head of School) to take over from the current whole school Principal,

Mrs Margaret Rafee, with effect from the summer of 2021,

and have asked Search Associates to help them in their search.



Sri KDU International School (SKIS) opened in September 2011 and now has over 950 students on roll.    The school’s successful growth has been the result of several factors, not least the hard work and dedication of the staff – teachers and support staff.   SKIS shares a campus with two private Malaysian Curriculum schools; Sekolah Sri KDU Primary and Secondary.

Sri KDU Sdn Bhd started its first schools, offering the Malaysian Curriculum, in 2003.  Following changes at the Ministry of Education, allowing Malaysian students entry into International Schools, Sri KDU established its own International School, SKIS.

SKIS broadly follows the English National Curriculum at Key Stages 1 to 3, Cambridge IGCSE at Key Stage 4, and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at Key Stage 5.  The “Learning Powered Approach” and responsive teaching are embedded into the pedagogy of the school.

Teachers are a mix of expatriates and Malaysians; the strategy is that there should be a 50:50 mix.  There is a need for ongoing training to assist local teachers to adapt to international (British style) education.

Students are predominantly Malaysian, with British, Australian, Korean, Chinese, Thai and a wide range of other nationalities also present in the school community.

For further details see



The Principal reports to the CEO of Sri KDU and reports to the Board of Governors each quarter.

Teaching Standards and School Culture

The Principal is responsible for setting and maintaining academic standards through the analysis of test data, teacher assessments, structured classroom teaching observations, regular staff meetings and appropriate continuous professional development of staff.    She/he is responsible for curriculum design and development aligned with the regulations and expectations of the English National Curriculum, Cambridge (IGCSE) and IBO.

The Principal is responsible for establishing and maintaining a school culture which is in line with Sri KDU’s values and which enables all staff and students to thrive.

Employment, Monitoring and Assessment of Staff

The Principal is responsible for planning staff requirements, interviewing and appointing local staff and engaging expatriate staff from the UK and elsewhere as and when required.   She/he is responsible for carrying out regular reviews of staff performance and the offering of contracts or otherwise when required.

Support and Administration

The Principal is supported by an able and committed senior leadership team, including a Head of Secondary and Head of Primary, who focus on the daily operations of their respective sections of the school.

Finance, HR, purchasing and maintenance are centrally operated for all schools on the campus.  The Principal will liaise with all the departments to ensure the needs of the school are met.

Holistic Education

The Principal is responsible for ensuring that a full programme is established each term that offers broad and balanced enrichment opportunities to children.



Candidates are expected to have the following credentials

  • A degree from an internationally recognised university
  • A PGCE certificate (or B.Ed. degree), or an equivalent qualification
  • At least 10 years’ experience in UK curriculum education
  • At least 5 years’ successful experience of senior school leadership
  • A good understanding of evidence-based pedagogy and how students learn

and in the successful candidate the Governors will expect the following personal qualities

  • Outstanding leadership skills – based on genuine confidence, empathy and humility
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent organisational and administrative skills
  • Energy and enthusiasm
  • Reliability and loyalty.



The initial contract will be for 2 years, renewal thereafter by mutual agreement.    The package will include the following elements:

  • A competitive salary, commensurate with the responsibilities of the post – this will include an accommodation allowance
  • An annual performance-related bonus
  • Health insurance cover for the Principal and her/his immediate family
  • Annual economy class flights to and from the Principal’s home country of residence for the Principal and her/his immediate family
  • Schooling for up to two dependent children at Sri KDU
  • Relocation allowance.


Suitably qualified candidates should send their application – all items together in a single pdf please – as an email attachment to

David Cope of Search Associates -

(to arrive as soon as possible and absolutely no later than Monday 23 November 2020).

The pdf should comprise

  • a letter of application (no more than two pages), briefly outlining why the candidate wishes to apply for this position and what specific skills, qualities and experience she/he can offer the school
  • a CV (no more than two pages)
  • a short statement of educational and leadership philosophy (no more than one page)
  • the names and full contact details of three or more professional referees.

Short-listed candidates will be interviewed in late November and early December and it is hoped that the appointment can be finalised by the end of 2020.    However, the Governors reserve the option to invite selected candidates to interviews in advance of this schedule.

Did You Know…?

Senior associate Harry Deelman was at various times headmaster of schools in a fascinating foursome of global cities: Buenos Aires, Rome, Dubai, and Bangkok.