Head at St. Constantine's International School in Tanzania
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St. Constantine's International School (Tanzania)

Appointed - Tony Macfadyen
Feb 16, 2016
Mar 12, 2016


Search for new HEAD
  from August 2016

The Board of Directors is looking for a new Head to take over the leadership of the school from the current Head, Neal Gwynne, in summer 2016 and have asked Search Associates to help them in their search.

  2. St. Constantine's is a co-educational international school, following a British-style curriculum and serving 650 students, day and boarding, from 44 different countries.   It is located in the city of Arusha in northern Tanzania.     Its mission is to offer a high-quality all-round international education within a nurturing environment.   The school’s motto is ‘Pan Metron Ariston’ - Everything in Balance.

    It was founded in 1952 by members of the Greek community and originally served about 100 students, with instruction in Greek and teachers appointed by the Greek government.    In 1975 an English stream was introduced, and by 1980 the Greek curriculum had been dropped due to lack of demand.      The School is still owned and operated by the Hellenic Foundation of Tanzania, and St. Constantine's has evolved into one of the country’s premier private schools.       Having celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2012, it is now the oldest private school in Tanzania and the largest international school in the north of the country.

    The school has two campuses.   The main one (Nursery to Year 13) is set in an idyllic 35-acre forested area 15 minutes from the centre of Arusha, surrounded by the famed Burka coffee plantation.    A smaller campus, with four classes from Nursery to Year 2, is located in the city centre.

    The curriculum has been based on the Cambridge system but is now evolving in Nursery to Year 9 into a programme better suited to the needs of international students.    From Year 10 to Year 13 the secondary school follows the Cambridge International Examinations syllabuses leading to IGCSE, AS and A2. The Sixth Form also offers Edexcel BTEC level 3 Diploma qualifications.   The majority of recent graduates attend universities in East Africa, South Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. 

    The 72 teachers are well qualified and diverse, coming from more than 20 different countries including Kenya, Uganda, the UK and other European countries, the USA, Canada and Australia.  The school also employs 100 support staff who maintain the beautiful campus and all the school’s facilities.     Most teachers and their families are accommodated in modern housing on campus. 

    Of the school’s 650 students, 90 are boarders from age 5 to 18.    Plans are currently being drawn up for the construction by the end of this year of two new, state-of-the-art boarding houses.    These will greatly improve the boarding experience and double the school’s capacity to cope with an increasing demand for boarding.

    The school has extensive facilities to support its academic and extra-curricular programmes.    The main campus has 56 dedicated classrooms, two computer labs, five science laboratories, a new dining room and kitchen and an assembly hall, as well as extensive sports facilities including a 25-metre outdoor swimming pool, two basketball courts, tennis courts, a beach volleyball court, two football fields and a rugby field.     With some of the best facilities in Tanzania, the school is proud of its excellent sporting reputation.

    The school community benefits hugely from its physical environment.    Arusha, at 4,500ft, is located at the foot of Mt Meru (14,986ft), is 50 miles from Mt Kilimanjaro (19,340ft) and is the third largest city in Tanzania serving four northern regions, with easy access to Nairobi.    The city has become a major political, diplomatic and economic hub in East Africa.     Given its proximity to the great game parks of East Africa like Serengeti, Tarangire and Lake Manyara it is also an important centre for tourism.     Kilimanjaro International Airport is only 25 miles away and offers easy access to international and domestic flights.  

    The school became the first Round Square school in Tanzania in April 2014, and the environment gives students outstanding opportunities to participate in the adventure component of the Round Square philosophy, including exciting activity weeks such as sailing in Mauritius and diving off Zanzibar.     Service to others is prominent and the school’s Service Council has developed strong links with local primary schools.   Students attend regional and global Round Square conferences.

    St Constantine’s is a diverse community, proud to serve both the Tanzanian and international communities.     It offers a high-quality, broad educational experience at a competitive price.    It continues to grow steadily and has great potential for further successful development.

    For more detailed information please see the school’s website www.scis.sc.tz.

  4. The School is owned and operated by the Hellenic Foundation of Tanzania.   Its Board of Directors oversees the school operations and appoints the Head.     The Head is the CEO of the school and has administrative responsibility for all aspects of the school’s operations.    The Head is the leader of the school community and carries out the school’s educational mission as determined by the Board.

    The Head works closely with a senior leadership team comprising the Head of Primary, the Head of Secondary, the Head of the Town Campus, the Director of Administration and the Director of Human Resources and Public Relations.

    The Head of Secondary is assisted by seven Curriculum Coordinators who develop, implement and supervise the educational programmes.     The Head of Primary is supported by two Key Stage Coordinators and three Curriculum Coordinators.   The Head of the Town Campus is responsible for its day-to-day management under the direction of the Head of Primary. 

    The Director of Administration deals with all issues relating to safety and security, accommodation, finance and facilities – and all other non-academic matters. The Director of Administration reports to, and liaises closely with, the Headmaster.      The Director of Human Resources and Public Relations is the point of contact on all matters relating to work permits, residency permits, accommodation, life in Arusha and Tanzania, police, transport issues, pension arrangements, medical insurance and personnel and personal matters.       The boarding side of the school is led by a residential Head of Boarding who is also Head of Co-curriculum. 

  6. Candidates must be graduates with appropriate academic qualifications and with successful school leadership experience (preferably to Head of School level), including international experience.

    Desired qualities and experience:

    • Ability to provide effective leadership in an international school community – specifically, a personal track record of excellence in academic, pastoral and co-curricular matters and the ability to take a hands-on approach to driving forward student-centred improvements in all three areas, demonstrating a commitment to the full education of each student 
    • Exceptional interpersonal and communication (both private and public) skills
    • Experience of working in a developing country
    • Proven ability to work with diverse stakeholders (students, staff, Board members, parents, external communities), generating respect and trust and developing a shared pride in quality education, the school and a shared vision for its future
    • Ability to recruit, guide, monitor and motivate staff members
    • Excellent planning, problem solving, time management and organisational skills
    • Cross-cultural openness, understanding and sensitivity
    • Adaptability in a challenging multicultural environment
    • Capacity to develop a safe, secure and nurturing learning community
    • Knowledge and understanding of current developments in education 
    • Commitment to ongoing self-education and staff professional development
    • Understanding of, and willingness to embrace, the Round Square philosophy
    • Strong work ethic

    Desired personal characteristics:

    • Strong moral and ethical code
    • Passionate commitment to quality education
    • Energetic and enthusiastic
    • Friendly, approachable and with a good sense of humour
    • Innovative and willing to learn
    • Good team player, good team builder
    • Determined and resilient
    • Temperamentally steady, especially in challenging situations

  8. The salary and benefits package will be attractive, and commensurate with the qualifications and previous experience of the successful candidate.     It is expected to include

    • A competitive salary
    • Rent-free accommodation on campus, including utilities and domestic expenses
    • A school-owned vehicle for the Head’s use, and a fuel allowance
    • Medical insurance for the Head, the Head’s spouse/partner and children up to age 18
    • Flights – return flights annually to and from home country for the Head, the Head’s spouse/partner and children up to age 18
    • Free tuition at St Constantine’s for any children of the Head up to age 18    

  10. Suitably qualified candidates should send to David Cope of Search Associatesdcope@searchassociates.com - all the items below collated together in a single pdf as an email attachment (to arrive as soon as possible, and no later than 12 March 2016)

    • a letter of application (no more than one page), briefly outlining why the candidate wishes to apply for this position and what specific skills, qualities and experience he/she can offer
    • a CV (no more than two pages)
    • a statement of educational and leadership philosophy (no more than one page)
    • the names and full contact details of at least three professional referees (one of which should if possible be the leader of the applicant’s current organisation)
    • a good recent head-and-shoulders photo

    Interviews are scheduled to take place during March and April 2016, with the final round in Arusha.     However, St Constantine’s reserves the option to invite selected candidates to interviews in advance of this schedule. 

    Closing date: 12 March 2016           Applications to: dcope@searchassociates.com

Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Diana Kerry was an international educator and administrator for 25 years in various countries, including Iran, France, Thailand, and Indonesia.