Head of Senior School at Aitchison College, Lahore in Pakistan
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Head of Senior School
Aitchison College, Lahore (Pakistan)

Appointed - Applications are no longer being accepted
May 11, 2016
Jun 15, 2016

Head of Senior School

Aitchison College, Lahore


to start in September, 2016 if possible

(or as soon as possible thereafter)


A Word from the Principal

“Aitchison College is Pakistan’s leading school. Its beauty and wide ranging facilities are unrivalled. Its boys gain entry through a highly selective process, although we provide places for remote scholars, on scholarship, and free education for the children of our non-teaching staff, at two separate campus schools for boys and girls. As a boarding and day school of 2,600 pupils, it is lively and each day is filled with activities that make use of this unique campus. The teaching and general staff are highly committed with many living in school residence. Overall, the College stands out as one of the great schools of South Asia.   I encourage you to explore our website www.aitchison.edu.pk.

Fundamental to any international interest will be consideration of factors such as accommodation, educational style and security. On all these fronts an applicant can be assured of being looked after very well and working in a safe location and setting. Accommodation for this position is excellent for a family or couple. Aitchison is a long established Cambridge Examination Centre. We are undergoing transformation in pedagogy and ICT throughout the whole school, as good schools do from time to time. Over half our graduating cohort will gain university places in America and the United Kingdom.

The successful candidate will be joining a top school at an exciting time in its history. We wish to give the appointee the autonomy to make a difference within a strong management team. If you are an experienced educator or an ambitious one on the rise, this is a posting you will truly enjoy. As one who has worked for many years on the international circuit, building and leading schools in Australia, India, Nigeria, Bahrain and Armenia, this is a wonderful opportunity for a dynamic educator and leader who wants to make a difference.


M.A. Thomson M.A., Dip.Ed. M.A.C.E (Australia)


Key Responsibilities


Management & Leadership Expectations

  • Lead the Senior School, its 800 pupils and staff, in a clear, articulate and engaging manner.
  • Engage parents in the role of education by engendering confidence in the College’s programmes, strategic vision and mission as a school of broad excellence.
  • Meet with the Principal on a weekly basis and provide written monthly reports on the Senior School.
  • Work closely and strategically with the Vice Principal (Academic) in providing direction and support for Heads of Departments and strategic educational developments.
  • Work closely with the Bursar in constructing an annual Senior School budget.
  • Play a key role in appointing staff to Senior School.
  • Work strategically with other Heads of School, playing a key role in the workings of the College Management Committee chaired by the Principal.
  • Oversee the production of a timetable and all rosters pertaining to staff duties in Senior School.
  • To bring a sense of cohesion, confidence and teamwork in how the Senior School operates on a day-to-day basis, giving careful attention to the quality and response of discipline and pastoral care.
  • Encourage effective school leadership through the prefect body, house captains, the portfolio system of service and a house system that engages all pupils to engage in sport and co-curricular activities.
  • Lead in a style that is calm yet decisive, positive and constructive, and which engages diverse talents by modelling the type of leadership expected in a school of distinction.



  • Create a learning environment that places student enrichment and achievement at the centre of the educational enterprise.
  • Motivate teachers to be the best they can be, setting achievable goals and collaborating with them on targeted staff outcomes.
  • Bring deep understanding of International Curricula to bear upon pedagogy and pupil-teacher interactions.
  • Work closely with the University Guidance Counselor in terms of national and international university placement programmes.
  • Manage subject selection choices with the Vice Principal (Academic).
  • Continue to develop the quality of teaching and learning through regular appraisal and monitoring of teaching practices.
  • Support the role of ICT and its increasing relevance in the classroom and through the College portal.
  • Maintain a close and constructive relationship with educational boards and associations, in particular CIE and the British Council.
  • Maintain a close connection with local universities and in particular, LUMS and the ALI Institute for teacher Training.
  • Ensure that the timetable is responsive and supportive of the needs of a broad, engaging curriculum.



  • Uphold the position of Headmaster or Headmistress in such a way that meets the highest ethical and moral standards. 
  • Hold and chair regular meetings with Senior School staff, but also to be seen ‘on the ground’ interacting with staff on a daily basis.
  • Delegate responsibilities according to the College Organogram and in a way that ensures that agreed outcomes can be achieved.
  • Oversee the effective use of a Senior Administration whose task it is to monitor parental enquiries, students’ attendance and general records.
  • Liaise with Heads of Boarding to maintain close links between the day school and boarding houses, especially the effectiveness of Prep and pastoral care.
  • Guide teaching staff in pedagogy and how to meet agreed performance based outcomes.
  • Oversee the quality and relevance of Staff Handbooks.



  • Set the tone of Senior School as a place of respect, learning and engagement.
  • Be accessible and a good listener, but one who is equally decisive when it comes to decision-making in the College’s best interests.
  • Maintain the College’s high standards of discipline and honesty.
  • Lead weekly assemblies and manage presentations and award ceremonies for the Principal–including whole school assemblies in the Amphitheatre.
  • Oversee the development of broad based student leadership with sound programmes and strategies that include all students.
  • Ensure that College rules and policies are explained and available to students and parents, and followed as the basis of reasonable and predictable decision-making.
  • Promote the well-being of all pupils by encouraging sport and activities –life beyond the classroom.
  • Provide students with regular talks and discussions on school and education. 



Key Personal Qualities


The successful candidate will:

  • have proven ability in managing all aspects of teaching and learning.
  • match a dynamic and inspirational style with a diplomatic and politically sensitive disposition.  
  • possess sound knowledge of contemporary educational issues.
  • be able to manage change and delegate work tasks effectively.  
  • be analytical, experienced and adept with educational applications of IT.
  • have highly developed interpersonal skills.
  • be committed to thinking strategically.
  • possess and demonstrate cultural awareness.
  • be able to manage a large and complex Senior School. 
  • remain aware and sensitive to the culture of the College and the context within which the school operates in Pakistan.
  • have energy, drive and excellent problem solving abilities.
  • be able to demonstrate success in leadership within an independent or international school of similar standing


Contract & Terms of Employment


This is a major appointment and carries salary and additional benefits appropriate to attract the best candidate. Contract details will be shared with shortlisted candidates only. An initial contract for 3 years will be offered to the successful candidate.


How to Apply


Suitably qualified candidates should send to David Cope of Search Associatesdcope@searchassociates.com - all the items below collated together in a single pdf as an email attachment (to arrive as soon as possible, and no later than 15 June 2016)

  • a letter of application (no more than one page), briefly outlining why the candidate wishes to apply for this position and what specific skills, qualities and experience he/she can offer
  • a CV (no more than two pages)
  • the names and full contact details (including current telephone numbers and email addresses) of at least 3 professional referees
  • a good recent head-and-shoulders photo
  • certified copies of all relevant degrees and transcripts


Interview and appointment process


Initial interviews will be via Skype.  The final interview panel for short-listed candidates invited to Lahore will consist of the Principal, Vice Principal and Governors.    Please note that these candidates will need to bring with them their original documentation, proof of identity and certificates.  The successful applicant would ideally take up his or her appointment by September, 2016, or as soon as possible thereafter. We can be flexible for the ‘right candidate.’


Aitchison College is an equal opportunity employer. The Recruitment Panel reserves the right to appoint a suitable candidate prior to the closing date for applications (15 June 2016).



Did You Know…?

Senior associate Harry Deelman was at various times headmaster of schools in a fascinating foursome of global cities: Buenos Aires, Rome, Dubai, and Bangkok.