Head of School at Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz AG in Switzerland
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Head of School
Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz AG (Switzerland)

Appointed - Oliver Hartwright
May 27, 2022
Jul 31, 2022




Dear Search Colleagues,

On behalf of the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz (LAZ) community, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Oliver Hartwright as the next Head of School/Rektor at Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, Switzerland beginning in August 2023.  He is currently serving as the Deputy Head of School at Munich International School, Starnberg, Germany. In his recent message to the LAZ school community, Mr. Sebastian Pawlowski, President of the LAZ Board of Directors, wrote the following:

I am delighted that we have successfully completed the selection process for the Head of School already one year before the change of leadership in August 2023 due to retirement of the current Head Beat Sommer, and that we can introduce his successor, Mr Oliver Hartwright.

The international search was conducted by the renowned firm Search Associates, which specialises in the field of education, and was monitored by the Board of Directors in collaboration with the school management and boarding house teams as well as representatives of teachers, staff, students and parents. Due to his professional and personal qualities as well as his school management experience, Mr Oliver Hartwright was selected from a large group of qualified applicants.

Oliver Hartwright gained extensive experience during several years in the school management of the Franconian International School in Erlangen (D), as well as at the Munich International School in Starnberg (D). He has in-depth knowledge of the International Baccalaureate programme as well as the German Abitur and is familiar with the Swiss Matura. Mr Hartwright has been involved in all operational, business, strategic, personnel and pedagogical matters in his roles as a member of school management and has profound knowledge in these areas.

Oliver Hartwright is a British/German national and is fluent in English and German. He is aware of the Lyceum Alpinum's strengths and will continue to develop and grow them over the next years. For Mr Hartwright, the well-being and best possible development of each and every student is paramount. Mr Hartwright will visit the Lyceum Alpinum regularly in the coming months to get to know the school community better. He will be moving to the Lyceum Alpinum in the summer of 2023 with his wife and two young children of pre-school age and is very excited to become part of the Lyceum family.

The transition process is being planned carefully. I am grateful that Beat Sommer will lead this process to give Oliver Hartwright a positive start in August 2023 and to ensure continuity for our school community.

We congratulate Mr Hartwright very warmly on his appointment and look forward to an excellent collaboration.

Search Associates would like to thank all of the candidates who applied for this highly sought position, and to everyone who assisted and supported the successful search process for Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz.


Dr. Norma Hudson, Senior Consultant

Dr. Gunther Brandt, Senior Consultant

Dr. Eric Sands, Senior Consultant




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