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Appointed - Jason McBride
Oct 13, 2020
Nov 15, 2020
Head of School for IGB International School Search
IGB International School (IGBIS) is conducting a search for an experienced Head of School to commence duties on July 27, 2021.
The Head of School will be an inspirational leader who has experience, capability and success as an international school educator, and who shows understanding of, and commitment to, the mission and vision of IGB International School.
“To provide an innovative international education that inspires learners to make a positive impact on the world.”
“To provide an inclusive learning community embracing diversity by offering a challenging IB education which empowers its members to be caring global citizens.”
The school’s mission is embodied in the phrase “Igniting minds, impacting lives.”
Igniting Minds
At IGBIS, We are engaging, enabling and empowering the inquiring minds of our students so that they may be confident, knowledgeable, and lifelong learners.
Impacting Lives
Students of IGBIS will impact lives as they understand themselves better and discover how they can influence and contribute to their wider community. In doing so, they make a positive difference to their own lives and the lives of others.
Strategic Vision - Five Pillars
During the recent strategic planning exercise, five pillars were identified to shape IGBIS in the future. They are Innovation, Inclusion, International-mindedness, Care & Wellbeing, and Empowerment.
Imagination plays a role in all learning and allowing students to explore their passions helps to spark their imagination, stay focused, increase productivity and learn better. Everyone has a passion, even if they’re not quite sure what it is yet, and time set aside for Innovation helps students discover those passions and turn their imagination into creative reality.
Inclusion at IGBIS supports cognitive, social, emotional, language and physical development and involves all students, teachers, families and the wider community. We adhere to the IBO guidelines for Learning and Diversity and to their principles of good practice; valuing prior knowledge, scaffolding, extending learning, and affirming identity and building self-esteem.
International-mindedness has incorporated three dimensions, namely intercultural understanding, global engagement and multilingualism. Intercultural understanding is still central to the IB understanding of international-mindedness, while global engagement and multilingualism are considered as contributing to its development. At IGBIS, with a diverse melting pot of various cultures, our learners are taught to be accepting from a very young age.
Caring & Wellbeing
At IGBIS, we believe that the wellbeing of our students will be heavily dependent on the care that is given to them. Our educators play an important role in making sure that the needs of our students are catered for to ensure a wholesome development for each and everyone of them.
We encourage our students to take charge and be responsible for their decisions. This contributes to our teaching and learning philosophy. From their young life, students are instilled with the sense of taking ownership of their own actions and to think of how it affects the people around them. We teach them to reflect and learn from the outcomes, regardless of how it turns out.

IGBIS is owned and operated by Detik Harapan Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of IGB Corporation Berhad (IGB) a renowned and highly respected leader in corporate initiatives and property development in Malaysia and beyond. IGB has pursued its corporate social responsibility through the establishment of this premier international school.
The school opened in August 2014 with one class per grade level from Early Years to Grade 11 and now has over 450 students from 2 year olds in ‘Fireflies’ up to Grade 12. The facilities have been developed with the potential future enrolment of 1450 students.
The School
IGBIS is a vibrant Early Years to Grade 12 international school that provides a dynamic, innovative and inclusive learning environment where students are challenged to excel in both their learning and personal growth. An International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, IGBIS is the only school in Malaysia authorised for the full continuum of IB programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme (DP), and the Career-related Programme (CP).
IGBIS is accreditated with both the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC).
Parents are active participants in their children’s education. Close communication between school staff and parents include Parent Teacher Student Conferences, regular parent coffee mornings, blogs, the weekly newsletter, a learning management system (Managebac), and our school website.
Location & Facilities
IGBIS is situated in Sierramas, Sungai Buloh, a suburb which is 17 km northwest of the Kuala Lumpur City Centre.
The facilities include well-designed and purpose built classrooms, laboratories and cafeterias, state of the art libraries, a 540-seat theatre, a senior student study center, performance studios and practice rooms for music, drama and dance, visual art classrooms and studios, and design and food technology teaching rooms. The sports facilities are equipped with an air-conditioned indoor gymnasium housing 3 full-size basketball courts, a fitness and weight training center, an artificially turfed FIFA standard football field surrounded by a 400m, 8-lane athletic track, tennis courts, a 50m Olympic standard swimming pool with the provision for electronic timing and a heated 25m learn-to-swim pool for Elementary School students.
There is split-level covered parking for more than 500 vehicles underneath the football field, so there is no need for on-the-street parking. The pick-up and drop-off of children takes place in a secure and safe environment. Facilities have been designed to provide easy access for use by the broader community without disrupting the operation of the school.

School Organisation
IGBIS is divided into two administrative sections: Elementary School (Early Years – Grade 5) and Secondary School (Grades 6 - Grade 12). The class size is 16 for Early Years One and Two, 19 for Kindergarten and 21 for all other Elementary grades. The class sizes in Secondary School are 23 for Grades 6-10 and 19 for Grades 11-12 although many classes have fewer than 20 students.
School Calendar
The academic year is comprised of two semesters. The first semester begins in August and finishes in December. The second semester begins in January and finishes in mid-June. All Malaysian national holidays are observed.
School Day
The school day is from 8.00 am to 3.00 pm Monday through Friday (with variations of this for some class levels). After school activities follow the school day from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm and additional activities from 4.00 to 5:00 pm. Saturday activities take place for sports and service. The school day is made up of four 80 minute blocks, a 30 minute morning break and a 50 minute break for lunch.
The Teaching Faculty
IGBIS has brought together experienced educators from across the globe to deliver excellence with the IB programmes. The Leadership Team has been joined by 65 experienced teachers recruited worldwide, all of whom share a commitment to the values of a holistic, international, IB education.
IGBIS teachers are experienced, enthusiastic and cutting edge IB practitioners, with appropriate tertiary qualifications along with stamina, passion, commitment and a sense of humour. The coordinators and subject leaders have strong interpersonal and team building skills together with the ability to manage their programmes or subject areas through a period of development and expansion. All teachers have successful experience with PYP, or with MYP and Diploma and are provided ongoing professional development. As role models of the IB Learner Profile, they exhibit the skills required to work in collaborative planning teams and the flexibility to undertake more than one subject area and/or grade level.
Senior Management Team (SMT)
The Senior Management responsibilities of the school are shared by the Head of School, the Business Manager, the Elementary School Principal and the Secondary School Principal. There is also a Business Management Team that includes the SMT, Admissions Manager, Marketing & Communications Manager, Facilities Manager, Finance Manager and Human Resource Manager.
The Curriculum
Early Years to Grade 5: IB Primary Years Programme (PYP)
IGBIS is authorised for the IB Primary Years Programme. The PYP is a dynamic, rigorous and effective way of guiding young learners through the teaching and learning process using inquiry-based learning engagements. Students are challenged to both answer and ask relevant questions that allow them to discover more about the world around them and to learn about the inter-connectedness of our world.
Teachers assess student learning in a range of ways and the students themselves are expected to be reflective and to think about their own learning. Evidence of student learning is collected and feedback is given to students regularly and to parents through end of semester reports and Parent Teacher Conferences. Parents and students share the learning journey through Student Portfolios at Student-Led Conferences towards the end of the year.
Grade 6 to 10: IB Middle Years Programme (MYP)
IGBIS is authorised for the IB Middle Years Programme. Students in Grades 6 to 10 have equal exposure to the eight subject groups of Sciences, Mathematics, Individuals and Societies, Language and Literature, Design, Health and Physical Education, the Arts and Language Acquisition. In addition, as part of the focus on the education of the whole child, students study units focused through the global contexts of identities and relationships, orientation in time and space, personal and cultural expression, scientific and technical innovation, globalization and sustainability, and fairness and development.
Grade 11 to 12:IB Diploma Programme (DP) and Career Related Programme (CP)
Grade 11 and 12 students may continue with the IBDP, IBDP subject courses or the IBCP. Both of these programmes provide graduates with the necessary set of skills and attributes for a successful transition into a post-secondary institution. A US-style High School Diploma and school-based subjects are also offered.
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Programme
The language of instruction at IGBIS is English. However, IGBIS has an ESOL Programme to provide support for a small number of students whose first language is not English. All students are placed in mainstream classes with careful consideration of English language levels to ensure a balance within each class. Students are observed and assessed as to their English level. They are provided with mainstream support and, if appropriate, students are withdrawn from class and receive direct English support. Student assessment is on going and students move between levels as appropriate for their individual needs. Support is given by ESOL support teachers who assist subject teachers to modify and differentiate learning outcomes so that students meet with success.
Activities & Service
IGBIS strongly encourages participation of all students in its after school activities programme. Students may also participate in co-curricular activities offered during the school day. Each student is able to choose from a variety of educational, creative, sporting, arts, service based and recreational activities.
IGBIS has linked with local and regional sports groups. The school’s outstanding facilities enable IGBIS to host a number of competitions and activities. Students participate in sports tournaments, music festivals, and in Model United Nations conventions.
Service learning is a very important component of the IGBIS school experience. Students are active in many organisations available in Malaysia.
Technology at IGBIS
IGBIS has a strong technology focus. The school provides wireless internet throughout, and has a 1-1 Apple learning environment for Grades 6-12 and trolleys of Apple laptops and iPads for Early Years to Grade 5. Professional development is available for teachers for the application and implementation of technology across the curriculum assisted by Apple Distinguished Educators.
An Inclusive School
One of the strengths of the IGBIS community is our inclusive learning environment. We recognise and value the diversity of our students. Our students come from diverse cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds along with varying abilities, interests and needs. Educational research has consistently shown that classes containing students with different backgrounds and diverse learning needs benefits all.
While all teachers adhere to collaborative and inclusive practices in the classroom, we provide additional support to the teachers and students as needed. Our teachers, administrators and learning support specialists work together to support all students and enrich learning in the classroom. Our model is flexible and based on the context of the student and the classroom. Inclusion is purposeful, planned and supported, and is in line with recent research.
Difference and diversity are central components of the school population. During the admissions process, we strive to understand the needs of the student and families to ascertain whether meaningful and equitable access to the curriculum can be provided within the available school resources. Our commitment is that each student receives access to learning in order to meet their own potential. Every child who joins IGBIS is appreciated, welcomed and included.

Living in Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur (KL), the capital city of Malaysia, is a large vibrant city. KL is noted for its multi-ethnic society and rich cultural traditions. Although predominantly a Muslim population (about 62%), KL functions is a society practicing various religions due to the ethnic Chinese and Indian population. With this cultural wealth, KL is noted for its diverse food and celebrations that represent these various ethnic groups. The national language is Bahasa Malaysia, although various Chinese dialects are spoken widely, as well as Tamil. There are two seasons in Malaysia, wet and dry. Temperatures remain fairly constant throughout the year, 24-32°C, accompanied with sometimes heavy rain during the wet season. KL is not normally affected by the monsoons that often occur in the South China Sea.
Traffic in KL is constant with the roads full of cars and motor bikes. The road and highway network is good, and toll-ways make it even easier to get around. Although KL does experience traffic jams at certain times, and particularly on Friday afternoons, the traffic in general is not as bad as other Asian cities like Manila, Bangkok and Jakarta. The city centre is well serviced with a monorail and Light Rail Transit (LRT), although the school does not have access to these forms of transport. There is a rail line and station very close to the school and this is currently being upgraded, expanded and modernised. Most people, however, cannot do without a car in KL. Petrol is very cheap, less than 70 US cents a litre. Taxis are cheap also but many people now use Grab services.
Shopping and Restaurants
The choice of supermarkets, department stores and shopping malls are endless. KL is a shopper’s paradise. The choice of restaurants and food is also endless, ranging from street stalls to 5-star restaurants. There is a choice of non-halal and halal restaurants, although the majority of places do not sell pork. It is readily available at most supermarkets. You can also explore the market areas around KL for fresh produce, handicrafts and designer clothing and accessories. Night markets (pasar malam) can be found in both the city-centre and the suburbs.
Getting Away
KL is centrally located in Malaysia, and within a 2-3 hour drive, you can visit places such as historic Malacca, or drive to the east coast to visit world-class beautiful beaches. Various islands are also worth a visit, such as Langkawi, Penang and Pangkor on the west coast, and on the east coast, Perhentian and Tioman Islands offer a great weekend for relaxation. Malaysian Borneo, Sarawak and Sabah are also worth visiting, where you can explore the rainforests, cuddle orang utans or climb Mt. Kinabalu, the highest peak in Malaysia.
KL is an air transport hub with several low-cost carriers making it affordable and easy to escape the busy city life. Bali is just over 2 hours away, as is Vietnam and Bangkok.
The Position: IGBIS Head of School
The Head of School will have responsibility for leadership and day-to-day management of the Whole School. The Head of School reports to the Management Board members and is a member of the Senior Management Team (SMT). The Head of School liaises with the others in the school on matters of admissions, curriculum, staffing, timetabling and budget requirements. The Head of School also works with the Elementary School and Secondary School Principals to ensure continuity and consistency in the educational programme throughout the whole school.
The Head of School will be responsible for forward planning, for setting the vision and implementing the mission in collaboration with the Boards and for leading the staff towards realization of the vision.
The Head of School will be responsible for the ethos, earned reputation and respect for IGBIS as an institution, and will gain this through professional development of staff, care of both staff and students, and strengthening of the school as a learning community. The Head of School will support the development of this school in which all stakeholders have a sense of ownership of and pride in their contributions.
The Head of School will play a vital role in the success of the Admissions Office, working in tandem to achieve the desired relationships and community relations goals. It is expected that the Head of School will actively participate in promoting and enhancing the school, and in developing strong working relationships with key members of the community. From time to time, the Head of School may be asked to become involved in fundraising for scholarships and the like.
The Head of School should be a mature and enthusiastic school leader who has demonstrated experience, capability and success as a committed educator, and who is able to provide evidence of understanding and commitment to the proposed ethos and philosophy of IGB International School.
In this context, the Head of School preferrably have extensive experience with the International Baccalaureate and embody the spirit of both the IB and the spirit of inclusiveness which underlie the School’s Vision and Mission.
The successful applicant should have the following qualities :
- successful teaching and senior leadership experience, preferably Head of School, along with a significant IB background
- inspirational leadership
- intellectual strength and professional integrity
- strong team building skills and experience
- an international outlook with the understanding and ability to represent and promote international education
- commitment to the full education of the student, with the emphasis not only on academic but also on social, emotional and service learning, coupled with a knowledge of social issues which affect young people
- empathy with, and an understanding of, students, staff and parents and a capacity to develop a safe, secure and nurturing learning community.
- an ability to manage successfully in a period of development and expansion as a school. Strength in marketing and admissions.
- an awareness and ability to operate the school in a fiscally sound manner in addition to its being an educational enterprise.
- strong interpersonal and communication skills with a broad range of people
- an interest in the relationship between neuroscience, pedagogy and age-appropriate education
- setting up and managing a boarding facility experience
- CIS accreditation experience
- exposure to UWC teaching or leadership role
- preparedness to seek advice and to initiate research to enable better decision-making
- commitment to the role of parents in the school’s development
- appropriate tertiary qualifications and a commitment to ongoing self-education
- energy and stamina, passion, commitment and a sense of humour
The Board of IGBIS has appointed Search Associates as its partner in its search for a Head of School with Dr. Norma Hudson serving as the lead consultant. The deadline for applications for the position is November 15, 2020 . Candidates are asked to submit a letter of interest and the requested materials listed below as early as possible as the Search Committee reserves the right to close the selection process at any time should the right candidate be identified.
Candidates should submit the following information in the format requested:
- A letter of application, no longer than two pages, explaining your strengths as a candidate and why you are interested in this particular position
- A current resume not to exceed two pages
- A list of references of immediate supervisors including current email addresses and phone numbers
- A maximum of three letters of reference (scanned at low resolution).
Please note that all materials must be scanned into a single pdf attachment of 4MB or less and sent to Search Associates at the email addresses listed below. Please send the complete application to Dr. Norma Hudson at nhudson@searchassociates.com.
The review of applications will begin as soon as applications are received. Qualified candidates will be interviewed and potentially forwarded to IGBIS for further review. Finalist candidates (with spouses, if applicable) will be invited for virtual interviews and to meet with members of the Board, leadership team, faculty, staff, parents and students. The new Head of School will be selected at the end of the virtual visit, finalist interviews, and reference checks and will assume his/her professional responsibilities in July 27, 2021.
Once an appointment is made, the school will organise for the incoming Head of School to visit IGBIS to meet the outgoing Head of School and to work in transition to gain further insights of the role, school, and community. The dates for this visit will be negotiable.
Additional information about IGBIS may be found on the school’s website.