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Appointed - Position has been filled
Sep 20, 2018
Nov 1, 2018

Position posted- September 20, 2018 Deadline: November 1, 2018
Kaohsiung American School (KAS) has the opportunity to hire a dynamic elementary school leader due to the retirement of the current Elementary School Principal at the end of this school year. Established in 1989, Kaohsiung American School is a private, non-profit, Pre-K to Grade 12 day school with a population of 780 students; the current elementary school population is 286 and includes pre-Kindergarten to grade five. Located in a major seaport and dynamic industrial city of 1.7 million people in southwestern Taiwan, KAS is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), and a member of the Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS), the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS), and the Council of International Schools (CIS). KAS receives regualr visits and reviews from the overseas schools department of the U.S. State Department to ensure adherence to the highest standards of education and ethical behavior. In April 2015, KAS moved to a new purpose-built campus.
Kaohsiung is a livable, warm, and friendly city in southern Taiwan. We are located in an urban environment that feels like a close-knit community in many ways. KAS is located in the north section of our city near Lotus Lake and across the street from a train station, a perfect location for a school. We are just five minutes from the High Speed Rail, and a 25 minute cab ride to the Kaohsiung airport.
The KAS elementary school uses AERO/Common Core/NGSS curriculum standards and a balanced literacy workshop approach to reading/writing. The school includes 14 homeroom-based classroom teachers; specialist teachers for physical education, visual arts, music, and technology; an ELL teacher; and three Chinese language teachers. Each homeroom class has a full-time teacher assistant. An inclusion co-ordinator, a counselor and a nurse round out the support services for the elementary school. Our elementary school faculty is highly qualified with 80% of the teachers having Masters level degrees. Sixty-two percent of elementary school faculty have been at KAS for four years or more; at the time of this posting only one has decided to move on next year and one has not yet declared. All others will be returning. In addition, KAS has supportive families with strong educational values.
We have included pictures of our campus, our students, and our lives here at Kaohsiung American School. Though this posting is for an Elementary School Principal (PK-5), some included photos also feature elements of our Middle School and High School for added context.
KAS Mission Statement
KAS challenges students to achieve academic excellence and prepares them to be:
- Balanced Individuals- Academics, Arts, Athletic
- Independent Learners- Passionate, Curious, Critical Thinkers
- Global Citizens- Aware, Ethical, Cooperative
Expected Student Learning Outcomes
KAS students will be prepared to be:
- Critical Thinkers and Problem Solvers
- who are skilled questioners: able to define problems, determine what information to seek, and where to find it
- who analyze and apply new information
- who use technology appropriately to help solve problems
- Effective Communicators
- who are skilled collaborative workers able to express ideas clearly in the target language
- who understand that communicators have a responsibility to send and receive clear messages
- who are able to use technology to communicate effectively
- Active Learners
- who develop attitudes, skills, and habits to succeed as lifelong learners
- who are able to reflectively evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of efforts, processes, and results
- who are motivated and goal oriented
- Community Contributors
- who provide service to others
- who are socially interactive with both the school and local community in a meaningful fashion
- Persons of High Character
- who display positive ethical and moral behavior
- who are multi-culturally sensitive and accept and respect the worth of each individual
- who have a sense of perspective about who they are and what they believe
We are looking for a dynamic leader with:
- A successful track record as a skilled educator and communicator
- An understanding of and commitment to school improvement
- An understanding of leading staff, students and parents through implementation of a strategic plan, particularly in the areas of literacy, curriculum alignment and enhancement of citizenship skills
- An ability to inspire and support staff
- An ability to gain loyalty and trust of staff and parents
Responsibilities include:
- Promoting effective instructional practices
- Planning, organizing, and directing implementation of all elementary school activities
- Establishing and maintaining an effective learning climate in the school
- Participating in Student Services Support Team
- Conducting regularly scheduled faculty meetings and elementary school leadership team meetings
- Assuring effective implementation of curriculum and assessments
- Establishing programs and schedules to meet student needs
- Establishing guidelines that foster positive behavior
- Establishing and maintaining favorable relationships with local community groups and individuals to folster understanding and solicit support for overall school objectives and programs
- Participating in and advising the Superintendent in hiring of faculty and teacher assistants
- Evaluating teachers according to the Teacher Appraisal system
- Evaluating teacher assistants in collaboration with classroom teachers
- Assuring an orderly, safe and secure school environment
- Participating in weekly administrative team meetings, staff meetings and one-on-one meetings with the Superintendent
- Preparing and submitting the school’s budgetary requests and monitoring expenditures of funds
- Working collaboratively with Middle School Principal, High School Principal and Superintendent on school-wide planning and initiatives
- Assisting in preparation of orientation program for new and returning faculty
- Review and updating of relevant handbooks
- Screening potential students
- Communicating with parent community
- Reporting regularly to Superintendent and the Board of Directors
- Keeping abreast of developments in the professions by attending professional meetings, reading professional journals and discussing areas of mutual interest with other professionals
- Performing other duties as assigned by the Superintendent
- Academic qualifications at the Masters level in Educational Leadership
- School administrative certification (from USA or Canada preferred)
- Minimum of three years experience in elementary school administration, five years experience preferred, international experience preferred
- Strong knowledge of balanced literacy
- Strong background collecting and interpreting data for educational planning purposes
- Experience and understanding of best practice in differentiation and inclusion
- Effective interpersonal, organisational and communication skills
- Effective technology skills
- Experience with accreditation processes
The successful candidate will:
- Value collaboration and teamwork
- Possess cultural sensitivity, flexibility
- Be proactive and decisive
- Be attentive and reflective
- Be visible and engaging with all members of the community
KAS offers:
- Competitive salary
- Annual return airfares for Principal and dependents
- Settling in allowance
- Housing allowance
- Freight allowance
- Free/subsidized tuition for dependent children
- Professional development
- Subsidized national health care
- Travel medical insurance
- Generous pension contribution
How to apply:
Send the following documents in a single pdf file by November 1, 2018 to Dr. Ben Ploeger, Superintendent bploeger@kas.tw
- Letter of application
- Curriculum vitae
- Contact details of three professional referees, one each of your last three schools and one should be the current Head of School
- An answer to the question, “Why is KAS the right school for you?”, in either a short written document or using another medium such as a portfolio, video, or other piece.
- Up to three open letters of reference (optional)
Receipt of your application package will be acknowledged. Only shortlisted candidates will receive further communication. Applications will be considered as they are received and applications may close prior to the stated closing date if an appropriate candidate is identified.
Attention: If you apply for this position, please inform the school and us (Admin@searchassociates.com) that you saw the notice on the Search Associates website.